Awareness that Heals

How Overcoming Our Excessive Need for Private Awareness Can Help Us Take Care of Ourselves 

How Overcoming Our Excessive Need for Private Awareness Can Help Us Take Care of Ourselves - ATH Blog

Take a look at what you know about yourself emotionally. Especially the things that you don’t share with others or at least with almost no one. You very likely believe that this is something that you take care of on your own or that even if you don’t, these are aspects you would rather not have anyone else’s input on because it would either be too dependent, feel invasive, or too vulnerable.  In my observation, when considered in moderation, it represents potential areas where we could grow, be more intimate, and still maintain our independence.  Read More . . .

Why We Need to Heal Childhood Patterns – Episode 89

Why We Need to Heal Childhood Patterns - Episode 89

Robert welcomes back Susan Hough, counselor, philanthropist, and life partner, to explore how each of us carries on the central feelings we had with our original family. These repeated behaviors are usually outside of our awareness and show up most strongly in our intimate relationships. Robert and Susan discuss their past relationships as well as their current one to mirror for the audience a real and honest way in which this plays out. Read More . . .

Relating To The Unconscious Identity We Carry With Us Into Adulthood – Episode 88

The Impact Childhood Relationships Have on Us Today - Episode 88

This week Robert discusses core childhood relationships and how they can unconsciously affect us in our adult lives. He is joined by his life partner and fellow counselor, and philanthropist, Susan Hough. We are guided on how to use awareness of our feelings and needs by using the Introspective Guides, which can be found at, Robert talks through identifying each of your strongest childhood relationships and the feelings associated with them.  Read More . . .

How To Express What You Need Instead Of What You Don’t Like

How to express what you need instead of what you don't like - ATH Blog

One of the foundational ways we disconnect from those we are intimate with or just those in our world is the tendency to express our dissatisfactions more than what we would find satisfying or fulfilling. For most of us, this requires or, more accurately, allows us to develop intimacy, warmth, connection, and trust rather than reinforce struggles, distance, or alienation. Read More . . .

Neurotic Responsibility: Creating More Mutuality In Your Relationships – Episode 87

Neurotic Responsibility: Creating more mutuality in your relationships - Episode 87

Using the Introspective Guides, Robert and Dave pick up where they left off last week on the topic of Neurotic Responsibility. This imbalance in relationships is part of our conditioning and can be hard to recognize. It occurs when one person in the relationship feels the problems around them are much more their responsibility than they rationally are. It feels good to give and can last for a lifetime. Read More . . .

The Vital Link Between Feelings and Needs – Episode 61

The Vital Link Between Feelings and Needs - Episode 61

This week Robert focuses on the second to last chapter of his book. This step entails moving from feelings to needs. There are many foundational steps required to get to this point. Robert takes some time to review. From these precursor steps, we can make a distinct connection between identifying our most challenging feelings and what needs could be supported that would most help us in any given situation. Each situation is always unique. Listen to this episode . . .

Fleeting Awareness – Episode 2

Fleeting Awareness

In Episode 2, we discuss accessing “Fleeting Awareness,” which allows us to glimpse into both our greatest challenges and our wisdom. As we work toward stabilizing this awareness, we have the chance to both face difficult challenges and access our own flashes of insight. This gives us the opportunity to bring a new consciousness to our responses and actions, opening us to greater healing, fulfillment, and inspiration. We invite you to tune into our ongoing series. Listen to this episode . . .

Being Aware of Being Unaware – Episode 1

Being Aware of Being Unaware

In Episode 1 of Awareness That Heals, we explore the first of four levels of awareness: “Being Aware of Being Unaware.” It is a challenging revelation when we recognize that we are often unaware of our own reactions. This is especially true at times when we are stirred up within and impacted by difficult feelings like fear, anger, anxiety, or pain. By facing our human limitations, we begin to set the stage to genuinely live more humbly and connected with ourselves and others, rather than overly confident. Listen to this episode . . .