This is a good article as far as it goes. Of course, how we handle our distribution of money and the work opportunities throughout our population is going to have an immeasurable impact on quality of life and homicides as well.
Besides the denial of death, the denial of income inequality is a disease throughout the millennia that has caused an endless cycle of war and suffering. We need to implement not only minimum wage in a balanced way (to consider the cost of living in each state) but also a taxation on the wealthiest 10% or so to directly go to work opportunities for the poorest of the poor.
This obviously would include the homeless and, in addition to focusing on the abandoned middle class, we need to channel wealth into its real meaning – opportunities for health and well-being for everyone. Is this something that resonates with you? Let me know if you’d like to find a way to get more involved.
Photo Caption: Increasing the minimum wage by $1 could help prevent thousands of suicides every year, according to a new report. Researchers wanted to find out if minimum wage policies had an impact on suicides, which can be linked to financial stressors such as job loss, financial hardships or debt. (CNN)