Awareness that Heals

Self-Reflection Will Help You Develop Self-Awareness – Episode 100

Self-Reflection Will Help You Develop Self-Awareness_Episode-100

When you experience challenging feelings of any kind, inquiring or asking questions that are specifically aimed to discover what the feeling is will help you develop the self-awareness necessary to know what your pain, loss, or suffering is. After you discover the precise kind of challenge you’re facing, this podcast will help you remember to ask yourself to find the place within you that desires to move toward a state of well-being, peace, or relief—it’s a practice that can help you to look within for the guidance that you long to find.  Read More . . .

The Paradox of Opening to Challenging Feelings – Episode 99

The Paradox of Opening to Challenging Feelings - Episode 99

Asking yourself to discover what feelings are most difficult to unlock and access the wisdom that helps you the most may seem like a gloomy task. However, inquiring inwardly to pinpoint where you feel stuck, buried, or like you’re in quicksand allows you to see where you have an unmet need. Letting the exposure to these challenging emotions motivate you to deal with an area where part of you is struggling can naturally lead you to your dearest needs.  Read More . . .

The Benefits of Heart-Centered Inquiry – Episode 98

The Benefits of Heart-Centered Inquiry - Episode 98

This episode offers a detailed look into the benefits of asking questions from the heart. The benefits of heart-centered inquiry, and honest contemplation supported by guided meditation, can offer a pathway that deepens the understanding of what is most difficult for you. No matter what feelings are present, this awareness provides you with an opportunity to evolve toward healing using the power of your innate wisdom.  Read More . . .

How to Respond to Self-Rejection in a Healing Manner – Episode 97

How to Respond to Self-Rejection in a Healing Manner - Episode 97

The focus of this episode is on the importance of recognizing challenging emotions and responding to them in a healing manner. Robert encourages listeners to value and care for themselves during these times and offers strategies such as self-acceptance, informal prayer, and identifying supportive thoughts. Guided meditation is also recommended as a helpful tool for effectively responding to personal challenges. Read More . . .

How to Discover and Overcome Self-Rejection – Episode 96

Episode 96 - How to Discover and Overcome Self-Rejection

Today, we are going to discover an easy way to see self-rejection. Normally, the most subtle and often unconscious reactions can become layered within other challenging feelings. Think for a moment, of all your difficult feelings. Which one do you like the least? Wouldn’t it be beneficial to learn how to discover and overcome self-rejection and to be guided to care for yourself during the times these feelings arise?  Read More . . .

Expand Your Ability to Care for Yourself through Self-Compassion – Episode 95

Expand Your Ability to Care for Yourself through Self-Compassion - Episode 95

On this week’s episode of Awareness that Heals, we will look at how to best deal with the challenging emotions that show up most frequently and also investigate our attitude toward those feelings. The goal is for you to expand your ability to care for yourself through self-compassion. There are two key aspects to be aware of. The first is becoming aware of the hard feeling or challenge that you experience most. The second is the self-judgment that arises in the form of feeling inadequate.  Read More . . .

How to Follow Your Own Wisdom – Episode 94

How to Follow Your Own Wisdom - Episode 94

During times of intense emotions, it is frequently not easy to change our feelings, but with dedication, we can learn to identify them and respond with empathy and wisdom. By acknowledging and clearly seeing our emotions—without allowing them to take control—we can develop greater self-compassion. Our feelings are just one part of ourselves, and there is another inner voice that is often referred to as inner guidance, friendly mind, or wisdom. We can realize our potential when we access this inner voice during emotional challenges, rather than reacting with a sense of dread, failure, or fear. Read More . . .

How to Trust Wise Thoughts When You’re Suffering – Episode 93

How to Trust Wise Thoughts When You’re Suffering - Episode 93

In this episode, Robert and Dave discuss how to trust wise thoughts when you’re suffering. They emphasize the importance of not distancing or judging our feelings but rather accessing our inner wisdom to guide us. This involves being able to operate at two levels simultaneously: respecting our challenging feelings while finding a place inside of us that wants to care. By doing this, we can stay open to our feelings and allow them to guide us toward our most supportive thoughts. Read More . . .