Awareness that Heals

Being Aware of Inadequacy Feelings and Accessing Your Greatest Need for Support, Episode 130

Episode Summary: Being Aware of Inadequacy Feelings and Accessing Your Greatest Need for Support

In part five of how to deal with feelings of inadequacy, Robert guides you through a meditation focused on further exploring your unique way of feeling inadequate, helping you find your wisdom through asking yourself these simple questions. Am I really inadequate in these parts of my life? If so, What actions can I take? What attitudes can I develop toward this feeling of inadequacy? When you find your wisdom and let it be the guide, you can learn to discover your needs. Needs such as empathy, courage, tenderness or humility.

Upcoming Episodes: Stay tuned for future meditations in this series that will dive deeper into processing feelings of inadequacy, offering step-by-step guidance on nurturing a healthy, compassionate relationship with yourself. Explore more episodes of Awareness That Heals to deepen your self-understanding and grow your emotional wellness.

Resources related to this episode
Robert Strock Website
Podcast Episode Video (YouTube)
Robert’s Book, “Awareness that Heals”
The Introspective Guides (Free Download)