The Awareness That Heals Podcast brings you meaningful discussions that provide guidance and insights into the way we care for ourselves during life's emotional, situational, and existential challenges. They can be faced and embraced by using the tools presented in the Awareness That Heals book and podcast.
Awareness That Heals offers you a variety of practices to support greater awareness of what may be troubling you, while simultaneously finding a place to actively care for yourself.
How can tone of voice help us expand our quality of life? – Episode 49
Over the last few episodes of Awareness That Heals, Robert has been sharing how our tone of voice can really impact us internally as well as our relationships with others. Often, we use our tone of voice to indicate how we’re feeling about something. Angry about a missed appointment? Sadness about not being understood? Joy at achieving something? Our emotions and feelings come through in our tone. It also indicates how we view others. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More What does intention to heal or to care have to do with our tone of voice? – Episode 48
We’re taught to focus on our strengths and continue to hone them from a young age. Any weaknesses or issues are usually sidelined or kept private, a problem to deal with later. Then, as we grow into adulthood, we all too frequently continue to ignore those challenges, even though they need to be resolved for our wellbeing. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More How tone of voice can help you convey what you mean – Episode 47
“Either say something nice or don’t say anything at all.” We’ve all heard versions of this statement growing up, as our caregivers taught us to be friendly and kind to others. While the intention is good, it can come at the cost of teaching us to suppress our authentic feelings and emotions. This is by no means an approval to be mean or unkind towards others, but in trying only to say nice things, we can often be dishonest about our real feelings and needs. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More Moving from impulsiveness to conductors of our tone of voice – Episode 46
Who among us hasn't been in a disagreement or argument in our lives? In those moments, we could find ourselves speaking cuttingly or with an injurious tone of voice. Sometimes, we may not even realize our tone of voice expresses such harsh emotions. Your tone of voice is immensely impactful, but it is not something most of us are usually aware of. It can be an indicator of how we're feeling inside — anxious, happy, stressed or angry. More often than we realize, our tone of voice may give away our internal feelings and emotions, whether or not we realize it. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More Why is Tone of Voice so important? – Episode 45
Have you ever seen someone disciplining a kid? Or maybe you've had to talk to a kid about something? You might have noticed that the moment your tone changes, they're almost always aware of what will follow — treats, rewards, scolding, or even punishment. Kids are incredibly good at picking up on your tone of voice, far better than adults. But let's go back for a second. What is your tone of voice? Simply put, it's the way you say something. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More How We Respond to our Feelings is More Important than What We Feel – Episode 44
Over the last few episodes of Awareness that Heals, Robert and Dave have explored how developing new practices can help us take care of ourselves through both life's biggest challenges and daily moments. These practices are being defined and refined clearly, as it is so important to understand the meaning behind each of them. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More Why it’s important to use supportive wisdom when expressing your boundaries – Episode 43
We all need to set a boundary or two at various points in our lives. But, how do you go about it? Do you communicate your needs and feelings clearly? Or do you throw unsuccessful hints, hoping that the other person quietly picks up on your discomfort and unease? While knowing your boundaries is powerful, setting and then enforcing them clearly and with consideration is a whole different equation. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More How can you find and use Wisdom to navigate difficult feelings? – Episode 42
One of the main aspects of Inquiry, or the act of asking beneficial questions to take care of yourself, is to do it without judgment. Asking precise guiding questions is how you can take care of yourself, despite your feelings. In this episode of Awareness that Heals, Robert Strock takes us through a few moments of his life. He shares how his own Inquiry and the subsequent guidance he continues to develop has helped him empathize more strongly with people around him, including his podcast co-host and partner at the Global Bridge Foundation, Dave, through some recent emotional events. . Listen to this episode . . .
Read More Developing Inquiry and Following the Wisdom It Reveals – Episode 41
Every year, most of us make new resolutions and set new goals to achieve. We're constantly encouraged to strive for external success markers and status symbols. All things that can significantly impact how we live. But what about maximizing your quality of life? From previous episodes, we know the answer to this is—learning how to ask beneficial questions—inquiry. Inquiry is when you begin asking yourself questions such as, "How can I take care of myself today?" Listen to this episode . . .
Read More The relationship between inquiry and wisdom guidance – Episode 40
When you first start engaging with sincere questioning, it can be challenging to remember what it's all for and find the motivation to keep going. After all, as Robert and Dave discuss in this episode, being aware of your feelings, thoughts, and emotions and actively engaging with them to become better is not something we're taught. In fact, it's almost counter-cultural. So then, why is it vital that we cultivate the art of asking questions? Listen to this episode . . .
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