The Awareness That Heals Podcast brings you meaningful discussions that provide guidance and insights into the way we care for ourselves during life's emotional, situational, and existential challenges. They can be faced and embraced by using the tools presented in the Awareness That Heals book and podcast.
Awareness That Heals offers you a variety of practices to support greater awareness of what may be troubling you, while simultaneously finding a place to actively care for yourself.
The Starting Point is Always Awareness – Episode 59
The Awareness that Heals is a never-ending cycle of self-inquiry. Even as you may feel you have reached development of several levels in one area of your life, you may begin to recognize that you, and all of us. are rookies in another. Identifying yet unseen aspects of your life with awareness need to be met with compassion and a sense of appreciation. It takes great humility and courage to look at what areas aren’t yet developed. You are opening vulnerable areas that many of us avoid! Yet, we are being guided to meet these challenges with a compassionate inquiry with a tone of support. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More Happiness & Fulfillment: Balancing our Life Equations – Episode 58
Most people are part of the program. The equation is: success + sex + power + moving toward wealth + being popular + having a family = Fulfillment. This is the dominant western narrative of how to arrive at happiness. In this week’s episode, Robert challenges this assumption. He suggests we ask essential questions of ourselves, listen carefully to our guidance, then follow through with new thoughts and actions. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More Recognizing Tendencies: Do I Stew or Suppress? – Episode 57
Recognizing a style of how we deal with our challenges can be a great way to begin learning how to best take care of ourselves. At one level it may appear paradoxical because most of us have been raised to believe we want to feel good. That we want to appear to feel good to others and ourselves. We haven’t understood the price of suppressing feelings. This episode highlights the importance of taking some time to drop into life’s most difficult experiences. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More How to Greet Difficult Emotions with Support and Wisdom – Episode 56
Accepting our emotions with an astute mind can be a key component to being kinder to ourselves. Rather than rejecting our feelings and internally shaming ourselves for having them, we can make an important pivot to welcome them with courage and curiosity. They have something to teach us. Emotions can be muddled and hard to unpack, but within them sits the possibility of accessing our deepest wisdom. This intelligence will lead us to qualities that we can embrace to care for ourselves. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More When Desires go Awry: Redefining Success to be Inclusive – Episode 55
The importance of this podcast is to put attention on yourself, so you may touch on the most universal needs that are going to benefit your life when challenges arise. When you are able to do this, even some of the time, you will begin to be able to benefit the world as well. It is a common misunderstanding that when we focus on ourselves, this is narcissistic. However, by discovering and accessing our essential needs, it is actually the most generous thing we can do. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More Distinguishing Unrealistic Desires from Essential Needs – Episode 54
Desire can take many forms. There are frivolous desires that can be fun. We all have these, and in fact, are quite a natural part of the human experience. The focus of the podcast this week is not those desires, but those that are not realistic at all or in some cases destructive, and therefore can warp our feelings. These desires will leave us with deep challenges. Robert discusses that healing here almost always comes through the recognition that the desire is unrealistic or harmful and then being able to make the deep distinction between what results in simple enjoyment and what will create harm to ourselves or others. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More Moving from our Challenges toward a State of Wellbeing – Episode 53
How much do we like or care for ourselves when we are being challenged? In this week’s episode, Robert invites us to begin moving from self-rejection toward self-caring and compassion. Are you being anxious on purpose? Are you being depressed on purpose? Do you get the joke? Of course not. When we see that we aren’t, we can sense our innocence and let more compassion in. Robert offers simple and proven practices for creating awareness that heals. These tools can be applied again and again. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More How can we find dignity and peace in challenging feelings and situations? – Episode 52
In this episode of Awareness that Heals, Robert continues to explore the importance of recognizing, accepting and communicating our challenging feelings. It takes significant motivation on our part to recognize that our feelings are important as a starting point. It's how we get to be honest with ourselves without running away from what's difficult. Facing your feelings head-on can be challenging, but continue by asking heartfelt questions especially when things are difficult, and then responding to the caring suggestions we receive. Listen to this episode . . .
Read More How understanding our feelings and needs can help us take care of ourselves – Episode 51
If someone were to ask you, which is your most challenging emotion, would you be able to name it? Maybe you require some prompting and help from your friends or loved ones. Throughout the Awareness That Heals podcast, Robert makes an empathetic request for listeners to become aware of and recognize their most frequent challenging emotions. But why is it essential to put a name to your feeling? Listen to this episode . . .
Read More How a healthy amount of self-doubt can help you build a better relationship with yourself – Episode 50
One of the first steps to move toward healing is awareness. In this episode, Robert explores how awareness and working towards a deeper understanding of our tone of voice can positively impact our relationships with others and ourselves. Think back to the last time you were in a challenging situation. What were your internal thoughts? What did your tone of voice toward yourself sound like? Listen to this episode . . .
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