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Awareness That Heals is a universal psychology supporting global change.
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About Robert Strock and Awareness That Heals

The Awareness That Heals Program

The Global Bridge Foundation
The Global Bridge Foundation (TGBF), a nonprofit organization, is the founding supporter of Awareness That Heals. The organization founded in 1999 is dedicated to advancing regenerative agriculture and ranching across the United States through innovative, scalable projects. Currently, TGBF is engaged in three key initiatives:

New York Regenerative Agriculture Irrigation Network:
Supporting the development of an unprecedented irrigation system to serve 130 farms transitioning to sustainable farming.

White Oak Pastures, Georgia:
Partnering with a leading regenerative ranch to promote humane livestock management and provide sustainable housing for ranch workers.

Regenerative Ranching with the U.S. Military, California:
Collaborating with the U.S. Army to implement sustainable ranching practices on military land, with veterans employed in the initiative.

By working with experts and community leaders, TGBF fosters sustainable food production, environmental stewardship, and economic opportunities, creating models that can be replicated nationwide. Learn more at The Global Bridge Foundation.
Podcast: Core Principles
from Awareness That Heals
Explore our collection of podcast episodes where Robert delves into the core principles of Awareness That Heals. Listen and discover how to bring heart and wisdom into your daily life.

Dive Deeper With The book: Awareness That Heals
Purchase our book, "Awareness That Heals," to gain deeper insights into Robert Strock's teachings. Discover how to heal yourself and grow your compassion to help the world at large.

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